Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Logan Square Thespian Society Strikes Again!

You might wonder what we're working on now...

Aside from the Mayoral Campaign Documentary, due out in late Summer, we are also performing a play about the Haymarket Riot, the subsequent trial, and the hanging of four Chicago Anarchists November 11th 2013 to mark the anniversary.

Here are the speeches delivered by Albert Parsons and August Spies May 4th 1886 before the bomb was thrown into the ranks of 176 police officers who tried to break up the peaceable assembled crowd against Mayor Carter Harrison's orders...


And here are some dastardly plots, as mentioned in the Mayoral Campaign, which the Logan Square Thespian Society had a role in...


the Dress Rehearsal


Ron Paul: The Musical


The Best Travel Show Ever Show

Something from Vancouver Film School

Stay Tuned.......