What words come to mind when you look at this picture?
Well, I don't think the Nazarenos or Phariseos who wear these capirote during Easter observances and Holy Week in Spain would necessarily agree.
What words does this photo draw to mind?
Or is it Poseidon's tri-tip spear?
Isis and Horace or the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus?
What words does this image instantly conjure to mind?
But of course we know, the Swastika is an ancient Buddhist and Hindu symbol that roughly translated from Sandskrit means "lucky".
Jesus might not agree...
Then again, he might.
How do symbols communicate to us?
The Pineal Gland also plays a role.
The Pineal Gland produces melatonin beneficial for sleep patterns, believed to be 'the third eye' and as Rene Descartes put it 'the principle seat of the soul'.
It's shaped like a pine cone...
Hence the name; Pineal Gland.
Think of the filters in this picture...
You're watching the watcher watching the watcher, who's watching the watcher?
Reminds one of the mystical Mandala Web.
Each drop of water reflects every drop of water which reflects ever other drop.
Our lives are a reflect on and are a reflection of every thing around us.
Each strand of DNA contains 240,000 miles of neural
threads, each micro-meter 350,000 units of information. If you were to stretch
your DNA it would reach from here to the moon. Our entire cultural and genetic
history is encoded in pictographs
(composite pictures) in our DNA.
Ancient symbols were once shown to lift us up spiritually… now they’re used to sell us crap we
don’t need…
psychology, genetic memory is a memory
present at birth that exists in the absence of sensory experience, and is
incorporated into the genome over long spans of time. It is based on
the idea that common experiences of a species become incorporated into its genetic
code, not by a Lamarckian process that encodes specific memories but by a
much vaguer tendency to encode a readiness to respond in certain ways to
certain stimuli.
Neuro-scientific research
on mice suggests that some experiences can influence subsequent generations. In
a study, mice
trained to fear a specific smell passed on their trained aversion to their
descendants, which were then extremely sensitive and fearful of the same smell,
even though they had never encountered it, nor been trained to fear it.
in brain structure were also found. The researchers concluded that "The
experiences of a parent, even before conceiving, markedly influence both
structure and function in the nervous system of subsequent generations."
Genetic memory is invoked to explain the racial memory postulated by Carl Jung. In Jungian psychology, racial memories are posited memories, feelings, and ideas inherited from our ancestors as part of a “collective unconscious”.
Corporations Hid symbols in logos...
Can you find the 666 in Walt Disney? (not that I buy it, but fun either way)
Many of these symbols come from Tarot Cards and the Zodiacs...
Corporations typically use the fire and earth zodiac symbols to prompt impulse and ownership.

Some designs dabble in the occult...
In a Vatican courtyard...
And also from that same courtyard this 50 foot high statue. Remember the pine cone shaped Pineal Gland?
Then there's this obsession with the Malta Cross...

From the Prussian Kings from the Teutonic order.
to the Knights of Templar... to...
Then there's the Denver Airport...
Denver had a perfectly fine downtown airport. Some years ago this one was built miles from downtown, went millions of dollars over budget, and is believed to be atop an underground city where the elite will escape to in an emergency...
This 50 foot high demonic horse at the end of the runway fell over and killed it's designer while being constructed.
And what the hell is this doing on the runway?
Then there are the murals and plaques inside...
Brought to you by the 'New World Airport Commission' which, incidentally, doesn't exist....
Many of these murals have since been painted over because of complaints...
Conclusion: We are all connected...
High time we take these sacred symbols back!
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